the clock is making the rhythm, the tone the sound, we are the music... enjoy the feeling
> Joltask - MMXII
> it´s been a while little crocodile, but after years tears went dry
> long time since we published some music but now we do it again
> things & people have changed, some artists left us, some new will appear
> see this two tracker as an appetizer for upcoming stuff...happy new one
> released 12.01.2012
> welovetoemerge - Junction (12" VINYL)
> this is your chance to get your hands on our music
> six artists junctioned together to release our first physical record
> Junction covers the whole range of welovetoemerge's musical output
> if you are interested in getting one of these classic vinyls visit our shop
> released 06.03.2010
> Joltask - A Tone of Home
> step are welcome
> Joltask opens the entry door and invites us to feel arrived at destination
> 5 tracks to guide you home...safely
> released 13.06.2009
> Joltask - Inner Speech
> a broken stream of experimental drumsounds, bleeps and hits.
> mixed up with a fine selection of harmonized melodies and torn vocals.
> get captured by Joltask´s seven inner speeches - easy, breezy, cheesy.
> released 27.04.2008
> Joltask - there is no us in you and me
> a 9 track electromantic lesson of poetic grammar
> with minimal beats as subject, melancholy as source for adjectives
> and just one verb to fit in...listen
> released 05.10.2007
> Joltask - Farbstrich EP
> 5 well toned...fine stripes of soft paint
> easy to mix and covering even dark backgrounds
> released 28.04.2007
> Joltask - Akademiker EP
> if your spirit needs a break...5 tracks to move
> released 05.02.2007